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Making Goals

So this month I used our Mother Goose Time Supplement workbooks a little differently. We get The More Math and More Literacy workbooks to help provide more practice with these skills since my son is now on the older side of students using this curriculum. In the past I let him pick pages that he liked, or I choose pages that looked fun. I wanted him to get to know the workbooks first and not feel intimidated by having a workbook. This month with the start of our new school year I felt like I wanted to use them more like the supplement that they are. So I decided to take a few minutes each week to decide which pages would go along with each day of the curriculum. This worked out very well. We learned a skill through play with our daily bags and then we used the workbooks to practice the skill more.

Today I used the back pages of the book which include skills assessments. I filled out each section and was easily able to see what areas he was developing, meeting, or exceeding skills. I then used this information to come up with some 3 month goals. I choose 3 months because I felt it was enough time to see improvement, but not so much time that it feels like forever before I reassess. At the end of the 3 months I will fill out the assessment form again and then reevaluate the goals I made for him.

Here is the More Math workbook skills assessment sheet.

I was easily able to pick out which skills I needed to work on with him. I made 3 goals that I will keep in mind as I plan lessons for him. 

1. We will work on counting to 20 and learning place value for ones and tens. We will accomplish this by focusing on counting games and counting everything we can. 

2. We will continue writing our numbers so that he can write 1-10 without help. 

3. We will continue working on adding and subtracting by utilizing manipulatives and math games. 

Here is the More Literacy workbook assessment tool.

This one had room for notes! I was also easily able to identify skills to work on by looking at this assessment and I made 3 goals for literacy as well. 

1. Focus on learning and recognizing the alphabet, and begin working on sounds. 

2. Continue working on learning to write upper and lower case letters.

3. Work on rhyming words by playing rhyming games and pointing out rhymes in stories.

I cant wait to see where we are in 3 months, He is excited to be learning alongside his big sister and I feel like this will give me some organization and a way to measure where he is.

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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