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Five Amazing Senses

Every month as a Mother Goose Time Blog Ambassador we have a specific prompt to write about. This month is about routines and transitions. I was going to blog about our routine as homeschoolers and share how we use Mother Goose Time throughout the day to help us keep a fun flow for school but this week was just so much fun that I want to share about what we did. Look for a post about our daily routine next week.

Last week we learned all about our senses. Each day we learned about and explored a sense. We used lots of books from the library to supplement and I also found a few experiments to do with them from the internet. Mother Goose Time had so many fun projects to do this week we almost did every activity which doesn't always happen because life doesn't always allow it.

On Monday we learned all about sight.

Each day we used the daily topic poster and any books as discussion starters on the topic. Then we followed that up with an activity.

This day had us playing a Hidden Pictures game, it came with 4 different game boards so I divided them up between a few days and we played several times throughout the week.

Then we played See and Copy Tangrams with the Tangrams and pocket cube inserts that were included with this months supplies. First I let them build with the tangrams and they worked together to make a cute forest scene. After some time to explore we played the game. We selected the matching shapes from the cube that was rolled and then we made designs with the pieces we acquired. After we shared with each other what we created.

We also did a Mondrian Art project as well. We read about the artist and then made our own version of the painting. 

On Tuesday we learned about Hearing. 

We played a My Senses Game which had us using a spinner to land on a sense and then picking out a card that matched the sense. Our favorite game this day though was the Sort the Sounds game. I had them each select several small unbreakable objects from around the house and then they dropped them into a metal bowel. We then decided if it made a loud or quiet sound and sorted them into two piles. We played this with a lot of different items.

On Wednesday we learned about taste. 

This day we ate different fruits and described their taste, made a Noodle Bracelet, and Learned about the letter A. I also found a fun project on my own that taught us where we tasted certain tastes on our tongue. In the end of the activity we had mapped our tongue and knew where on our tongue we tasted bitter, sour, sweet, and salty. We used baking powder, lemon juice, sugar, and salt along with toothpicks to apply a little of each to the back, sides, and front of our tongue. This was so much fun!

On Thursday we learned about Touch.

We Used the included red felt circles to act out the Ten Red Apples book we checked out from the library. Our bean bag couch worked great as a felt board to hold the apples up so we could pretend to pick them.

We also practiced writing the letter A in a tray of sand and then we made some sand art which felt rough after it dried. My son made Maui's arm and tattoos because he really loves the Moana movie right now.  

We wrapped up the week on Friday by learning about smell. 

We did the Plant a Flower activity and made patterns with the flowers. I let them use play dough to "plant" the flowers. 

We also did the Smell Test activity which was found in the STEAM Station section of the Teacher Activity Guide. I gathered several different items with strong smells and put them in containers. I had them close their eyes and smell the item. They then tried to guess what they were smelling. This was hilarious and we noticed that they liked the sweet smells better.  

We also made a Smelly Flower Puppet that we painted with a gelatin and water mixture to make it scented. They love their scented flower puppets and painting with gelatin was a lot of fun. 

This was such a fun week that was filled with activities to stimulate the senses. The kids are so much more aware of what they are seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching now. They have several times this weekend came up to me to tell me what senses they are using while doing certain things. I love when a lesson clicks and you can see real excitement and interest. This week didn't feel like school at all yet we learned so much. 

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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