So this month I used our Mother Goose Time Supplement workbooks a little differently. We get The More Math and More Literacy workbooks to help provide more practice with these skills since my son is now on the older side of students using this curriculum. In the past I let him pick pages that he liked, or I choose pages that looked fun. I wanted him to get to know the workbooks first and not feel intimidated by having a workbook. This month with the start of our new school year I felt like I wanted to use them more like the supplement that they are. So I decided to take a few minutes each week to decide which pages would go along with each day of the curriculum. This worked out very well. We learned a skill through play with our daily bags and then we used the workbooks to practice the skill more. Today I used the back pages of the book which include skills assessments. I filled out each section and was easily able to see what areas he was developing, meeting, or exceeding sk...