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With Great Curriculum, Comes Great Learning

Superhero training officially started on Tuesday August 01 for us when we started our last month of the summer curriculum from Mother Goose Time. I always love starting a new month, everything is new and exciting, and there is so much to be discovered. When we start a new month I usually take a few days towards the end of the previous month to get things set up. I make sure that all supplemental books have been pulled off our shelves or checked out from the library and set up on our school shelf. Then I gather any materials I will need out of the bags in the curriculum box. I make sure I have the calendar numbers, manipulatives, music, theme poster, coloring pages, and anything else I might need and then I put them in an easily accessible place. I also take this time to pre write any holidays, birthday, or fun trips on our blank calendar. The kids really like seeing what is coming up for the month.

I also make sure that I take a quick look at the included gathering list to see if there is anything I  will need for the up coming month, and I take a peek at the Teachers Guide and Planning Journal to see what projects there are going to be. This helps me decide what extras I want to add to the month. Sometimes I like to add movies or extra crafts that go with what we are doing, or special themed tea times and lunches that go with the months theme. We really try to immerse ourselves in what we are learning. 

I also like to find the extra celebration kit that Mother Goose Time always adds in each month. This months is Family Picnic which I think we might do on a day their dad is off from work. The weather has been so warm here that we will enjoy having a nice family picnic before Fall starts creeping up on us again. 

Once I have had a quick look over everything and gathered anything I need to help make things easier for the month we are ready to go.

This first week of Superheroes has been so much fun. Its all about Superhero dress up and we've slowly been going through everything a superhero would need to be super.

We worked on our Superhero Symbol

And our Capes

We even found time to work on our Journals

Next week we will learn about Superpowers like Invisibility, Super Speed, Flight, Super Strength, and Super Breath. 

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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