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Island Art Day

This week was a little light on the homeschooling and we didn't get a lot done. It is the start of summer and my husband took a day off this week, we went to a dollar movie and we went swimming. It was a wonderful week. We did have a day that we stayed home and relaxed. On this day I decided that we wold have an art day. We were already a few days behind in our Mother Goose Time and I wanted to make sure we had a chance to do some of the fun art projects before we move on to a new theme next month. I gathered a few of the projects and set the table up with all the supplies. We put on the Alphabet Island CD that came with the curriculum and went to work.

We did the Lei, Surfboard and Strum Drum Activities. I let them do the projects in whatever order they wanted and I let them use whatever supplies they wanted. We had some fun disscusions during this time. We used the Would You Rather prompts as conversation starters and when we got to the one that asked if we would rather ride a surfboard or climb a coconut tree it got us off track and we looked up how people climb coconut trees and watched some amazing videos, which then got us watching hula dancers and finding hawaiian music to listen to, and now we are planning a little luau for this weekend to celebrate the end of Alphabet Island month.

The art projects came out great

I love that even when we aren't following the curriculum it is still a great tool to have up my sleeve to ensure that even our unproductive days are productive. Thanks Mother Goose Time!

Next Month starts our geared down summer fun school. My kids can't function very well with no structure to their day, but I still want to make sure that we relax and have a little fun too. Mother Goose Time has my back, they have a summer program that will help add fun and structure to my day without making it feel like we are doing school during the summer. Next Months theme is camping and I can not wait to get started. I have so many fun ideas for this month. Click here for a sneak peek at Mother Goose Times July Camping theme.  

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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