This weekend I was going through the August Mother Goose Time box since August starts in just a couple days. The theme for August is Superheroes, and my kids are pretty excited about this one. We are pretty big into Superheroes around here. I always take the last couple days of the month to get ready for the next month. I like to get everything organized and ready to go so that there is a smooth transition from one month to the next. Mother Goose Time already does such a great job at getting everything set up and ready to go so their isn't a lot to do, but I do have a few things I like to prepare before we start. One thing I like to look at is the More Math and More Literacy workbooks we have been getting in addition to our main curriculum. I like to get an idea of what my son will be doing in the workbooks and this helps me decide what I want to focus on with him. As I was going through the books I couldn't help but notice how cute and how much...