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Emergent Layer

This week we finished learning about the fourth and final layer of the rainforest, the Emergent Layer. This is also our fourth and final week of learning about the rainforest with Mother Goose Time before venturing into the Arctic next month. We learned about Blue Morpho Butterflies, Kapok Trees, Hummingbirds, Mangos, and Strangler Fig Trees. We have learned so much about each layer and how it all works together to make an ecosystem. I loved the Rainforest Friends game that was included this week. It was supposed to be a matching game but when I saw the cards and the little strip that labeled the four layers I decided to use it a little differently.

We used it as a review of all we have learned this month about the different layers of the rainforest and the animals that live there. First I took down the topic poster and we pointed out the four layers and recalled any information that we had learned. My son knew all the bugs lived on the forest floor, and my daughter remembered that the canopy was the most active layer of the rainforest. After having a chance to remember facts about each layer I set out the long thin card that labeled each layer and put the animal cards under that. Then I had them take each card and discuss where they thought it should go and why. They then agreed on which layer to place the card. They worked together so well on this project. It was fun to see how much they remembered. My daughter who is older remembered a lot and it helped my son to hear it and discuss it with her. I was able to see that they retained a lot of information about the rainforest by doing this activity like this and I also really liked how it encouraged working together and remembering facts. 

Another fun project this week was the Mango color blending Invitation to create activity. I really wanted to make sure that we got to this one because I haven't done much color mixing with my son. He is usually not to into painting but I have noticed that he has been enjoying it a little more lately. I set out the inspiration photo along with some red, yellow, and green paint. He made the mango similar to the one in the picture and really got excited when he found out how to make orange by mixing the red and yellow. He also tried other colors on some paper I gave him and quickly found out that not every color that is mixed together produces pretty colors, and he was not happy when he made brown several times. It was good for him to see what happens with those colors though, and I made sure to guide him to try other colors that I knew would work. 

We also had another would you rather game. We love this activity and again it provides us with great conversation starters and a way to gage how much they have retained by the answers they give. This activity is always fun and gives us lots of laughs. 

As we are nearing the end of November we are leaving the warm rainforest behind and getting ready to learn about the cold Arctic Tundra next month. We are also getting ready to take a trip soon and I'm pretty sure Mother Goose Time will be going on the plane with us!

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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