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A Week of Celebrating

We finished up our month of learning about the weather and changing season last week and we weren't ready to jump into our new Mother Goose Time Box just yet. So I decided to take a couple days to celebrate Halloween and we used our Pumpkin Patch Celebration Kit that came with our October curriculum.

Every month Mother Goose Time sends a celebration kit to add in to your box as a bonus day. A lot of times they are tied into a season or holiday. This month was about Halloween and pumpkins. I love that this is included because it makes adding in the holidays even easier. This gives me fun themed activities, rhymes, stories, and even snack ideas to add into what we already do for the holidays. The kit comes with invitations and I always use them even though it is just my two kids. I write them up the day before and leave them on their beds for them to find before they go to sleep. They always get so excited to go to bed so they can get up and do the fun activities. I think the invitations help to make it feel special and different from the ordinary days. I always make sure to make it a fun day and not make it feel as if they are dong school, but trust me learning is still taking place. 

I split the kit up into 2 days this time. I don't usually do this but we weren't really feeling like doing anything but celebrating this week. On Monday which was the day before Halloween we read the Five Little Pumpkins Finger Play activity that was in the guide. We own this book so I went ahead and read it so we could look at the pictures, but we still did the finger play aspect of it. We also did the Design Your Own Pumpkin activity. This was a favorite that was included in last years celebration kit. They love getting to make a pumpkin out of a paper bag and decorating it. Carving real pumpkins at this age is really hard and this lets them do their own pumpkin in a safe and creative way.

We also made the Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater Snack that was found in the guide. I don't have pictures of this, but what we did was make an open faced turkey sandwich and then top it with a slice of cheese that was cut to look like a jack o lantern face. 

The next day was Halloween and we went to our weekly play group for some potion making fun. One of the moms brought cauldron cups for all the kids and instructed them to gather ingredients for their potions from the forested area. Once that was finished we added colored vinegar and sparkling baking soda to make bubbling potions. Once we got home we had lunch and read Halloween poems and stories. We finished the day by playing the Pin the Patch on the Scarecrow game before going to a nearby trick or treat event. 

This was another game from last years celebration kit that my kids remembered and couldn't wait to play again. Look at how cute that scarecrow is! 

We spent Wednesday and Thursday celebrating Dia de los Muertos, and on Friday we woke up to snow! We had a lot to celebrate this week and we had so much fun. It was so nice having Mother Goose Times help to make it special. We are now looking forward to beginning our learning adventure through the Rainforest starting Monday. My kids are both looking forward to this theme.

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


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