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Inspired by Hail

We had so much fun with this weeks Invitation to Create from Mother Goose Time. We are working through our last week of the Weather and Changing Seasons theme by learning about different kinds of storms. We learned about Thunderstorms, Hail, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, and Floods. All are very scary storms to be involved in, but we read many books and did a lot of activities, as well as learned some safety tips if we ever get caught in one of these types of storms. All of this made it seem a little less scary, but I still think I would rather not be caught in any of them. I will stick to our constant gray and drizzle over major storms.

During the Hail lesson we got to paint with bouncy balls as part of the invitation to create! the kids were so excited.

We were given a little sheet about the project and we talked about how the bouncy balls were like hail, and we discussed how we could use the balls in our art work. 

After the discussion they decided what colors they were going to use and I set everything up while they gathered the supplies they were going to need. I lined a couple baking sheets with some foil and placed the paper inside. They decided on blue, purple, and white colors to use and I put them in one of the painter pallets that we have. First they tried stamping the color on the page with the ball, then let the paint drip off the ball onto the paper, after this they tried rolling the balls around the page and bouncing them. It was a really great exploration of how the same material can be used in different ways. I love that they had to think outside the box, and they got to use unconventional materials to paint. It was a lot of fun and resulted in a couple really pretty pictures.

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided this curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*
