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Lets Talk About Manipulatives...And a Give-Away!

I am so excited about this post! Mother Goose Time has allowed us to do a giveaway with our readers! One lucky winner will win 2 bags of Mother Goose Time manipulatives. It will be a surprise what they give you but let me ease your mind, we have loved all the manipulatives they have sent so far. Each month of Mother Goose Time has a theme and everything you get works with that theme. This means you get a meaningful month of learning that is all planned out for you. Every month you get a new calendar set up as well as numbers, shape, and color to add to your circle time. You also get a storybook and a music CD that is matched to the months theme as well. But, I think the most fun items you get is the hands on stuff. They include a stamp to go along with the shape of the month, cookie cutters of the letters you will be focusing on, and 2 bags of really good quality manipulatives. This Months theme is Nursery Rhymes and we received a bag of sheep counters and a bag of lacing shape beads. The teacher guide tells you when and how to use them in the curriculum and it really is a fun hands on way to reinforce their learning. They really add a lot to the lessons and are used for sorting, as counting pieces, and as game pieces. Here are some pictures of this months manipulatives.

And here are some pictures of some other manipulatives we have received in past boxes.

 Here we are using our piggy manipulatives to count and add.

We received these great stacking cups and used them to stack, pour water, and hide things.

We used our shape lacing beads to sort by shape and color and then used the cube to follow patterns.

We hid the shapes we got this month in this nest and pulled out shaped eggs. We also got a shape mat that we used to make different marsupials out of the shapes.

Let me tell you why else we love our Mother Goose Time manipulatives, they can be used for so much more. For awhile I didn't know what to do with them once I finished the month and got my new ones. I stored them in a box in case someday I might need them. I knew I couldn't get rid of them because they are so cute and really good quality. So there they sat. Then probably about 6 months ago I saw a picture on the Mother Goose Time Facebook page from a fellow blog ambassador and she had all hers loose in a box and had them out accessible to her kids to just free play with. I do not remember who posted this so I cant give credit, but if you happen to read this post I would just like to say thank you! Because of you our manipulatives get so much love and play time. I might want to think about a way to organize them a little better in the future because we are getting a very large collection now, but for know this is working. My kids use them for all sorts of things. We have used the vegetable ones to add to our farmers market stand, used the animals to make zoos and farms. Add some of the manipulatives to some blocks, Legos or playsets and they add an extra element of fun to whatever they are playing.

Another way we use them is with play dough or in a sensory tray. Last December we were given a recipe card to make play snow and I put the play snow in a tray and added some of the animal manipulatives and a few rocks. My son played for probably 2 hours with this snow. The animals really made this activity even more fun. They can use them to make little pretend miniature worlds.

Now for the exciting part! Like I said 1 person will win 2 bags of randomly picked Mother Goose Time manipulatives! The contest is only open to US residents as requested by Mother Goose Time. Each person that enters can get 4 entries by following the directions on the contest form. Please feel free to share this contest with anyone you feel might benefit from these awesome manipulatives. I will announce the winner on February 21. Good Luck! Also here is a link to a fellow blog ambassador Gift of Chaos  that will take you to her website so you can enter other bloggers contests for more chances to win with them. All the links to the other blogs are located at the end of her post. For some reason the link up didn't work on some of our blogs so this is a way around it.  

Mother Goose Time Manipulatives Giveaway

*Mother Goose Time has generously provided our curriculum to us in exchange for our stories and honest opinions*


  1. Thanks for the chance. We use them in the usual math ways, but the end up as loved toys a good chunk of the time, too.

  2. I'd use them for counting and colors!


  3. I would integrate these into our current teaching methods.

  4. I love using manipulatives to teach my autistic son about number, color, and pretend play Thank You for the chance!

    Fiona N

  5. We would use them to learn math skills, and just for fun!

  6. we've been using buttons and things to teach classification , but nothing official yet!


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