One thing that we have been focusing on this month for Preston is number recognition and counting to 10. He can usually count to 10, but about half the time he gets a little confused with numbers 5-9. It looks something like this 1,2,3,4,6,8,7,10. Then other times he counts to 10 with no problems at all. Our Mother Goose Time curriculum luckily provides plenty of opportunity for practice with numbers and counting. We have been pretty much counting everything we can and we use the pig counters that came with Januarys Baby Animal theme all the time. This practice is seeming to be paying off, today he counted to 10 twice by himself and even threw 11 and 12 in there! sometimes I think he is giving me a hard time and that he can probably count to a thousand or something crazy but just enjoys confusing me. He was super proud of himself though and his sister and I each gave him a high five. Yesterday we did day 18 which was about growing smarter...